“Internetworking Eight-Bit Microcontrollers
Fundamentals and Applications with the 8051"

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ISBN  0-9633257-2-8

This textbook is the results of ongoing research and development by Rigel Corporation.  The concepts discussed in the book have been used in the classroom for a graduate course taught at the University of Florida during the past few years. The book develops a breadth-oriented exposure to Internetworking, from circuitry to HTTP. Original discussions on the fundamental concepts of computer networking follow from the authors’ many years of experience in the field both as researchers and as developers of industrial products. The fundamental concepts are reinforced by a series of elaborate experiments. As an alternative to BSD sockets, this book presents a recursive stack-oriented approach to network connectivity. This approach is especially suitable for small microcontrollers where code and data memory are limited. This original approach was developed by the authors in the late 1990s and implemented in Rigel Corporation’s Rita family of industrial controllers, which have since been used in several end products.

Most code is developed in C, using Rigel Corporation’s Reads51 integrated development environment. Although the experiments use an 8051-based platform, the C code can be ported to other microcontrollers. In-line assembly is used in a few instances to show how code can be streamlined to achieve greater efficiency.

Although the series of software experiments constitutes a substantial component of the book, the book is not intended as a cookbook or a reference book with a collection of readily usable code libraries. The software experiments are written for clarity in reinforcing the basic concepts, not for efficiency in execution speed or code size.

All the software, RFC's, and data sheets for this book come on a CD ROM included with the book.

This example from the textbook uses DynDns.org’s free service to gain access to a microcontroller connected to a LAN with a dial-up connection. Visit a Rita-51J in our office. 

This book is well suited for students, practicing engineers and advanced hobbyists who want to gain an understanding of Internet connectivity concepts.

Download Preface and excerpt from Chapter 1

Download Table of Content

List Price $55,   Rigel's discounted price $45   

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Buy any two books (different titles) "The 8051 Cookbook for Assembly and C", “Internetworking Eight-Bit Microcontrollers Fundamentals and Applications with the 8051",  or "Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller in C and Assembly
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