Reads166, version 3.10, is Rigel Corporation’s
Integrated Development Environment for the Infineon / ST Microelectronics
16-bit processors. Reads166 includes an editor, a host-to-board communications
system, an assembler, and a C compiler. Reads166 is completely rewritten in
native 32-bit code to run on Windows95 and WindowsNT. Reads166 includes a
sophisticated project management system to simplify code reusability and
version control. The C compiler is rewritten to support a full debugger. The
debugger allows you to step through your code with breakpoints and variable
watches as the compiled code runs on the target board, similar to the
operation of an in-circuit emulator.
RMON166 - The Reads166 monitor program
RMON 166 is downloaded after
bootstrapping (or it may be placed into ROM) and supports basic memory and
port functions. RMON166 allows downloading and running applications programs.
The complete so
code for user modifications or upgrades is included on disk.
Ra66 - The Reads166 Assembler
Ra66 is an assembler for the C166 family of
controllers. It is a multi-pass absolute assembler which generates HEX code
directly from assembly source code.
Rc66 - The Reads166 C Compiler
Rc66 is a C Compiler for the C166 family of
processors. It compiles code for the tiny memory model which fully resides in
the first segment of memory. Rc66 is designed as a low-cost C compiler which
provides a quick development cycle for simpler applications which do not need
more than 64K of code, or the use of standard C libraries. Rc66 implements
a subset of ANSI C. Rc66 works in conjunction with Ra66. First an
assembly language program is generated from the C source then a HEX file is
The Reads166 software has the following
distinctive features:
- Project management for organized software
- Enhanced graphical user interface for easy
- Archive storage for source code modules
- Multiple project management with drag and
drop module transfers
- Stand alone compiler and editor
applications connected to Reads166 in a client / server fashion
- Drag and drop code development
- Mixed mode projects (C and assembler)
- Wizard code generator
- Hardware Aware Dynamic Debugging
Reads166 takes a project-oriented approach
to simplify code reusability and version control. You may share
code modules among projects or copy and duplicate projects by simply dragging
a module from one project and dropping into another. Reads166 supports
"Archive Projects" which hold utility prewritten and tested modules
which you may simply add to your application program. Archive projects include
modules for analog-to-digital conversion, timer routines, input / output
routines, serial communication routines, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) drivers,
and keypad routines. Reads166 takes a project-oriented approach to simplify
code reusability and version control. You may share code modules among
projects or copy and duplicate projects by simply dragging a module from one
project and dropping into another. Reads166 supports "Archive
Projects" which hold utility prewritten and tested modules which you may
simply add to your application program. Archive projects include modules for
analog-to-digital conversion, timer routines, input / output routines, serial
communication routines, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) drivers, and keypad
Rc66 produces HEX code from C source in one
step, thus eliminating the need for
linking. This one-step compilation approach allows reusable code to be stored
in source form rather than in object form in libraries, which simplifies
library management. Rc66 has an internal profiler which by default, will not
produce machine code for functions not called in the program. This way your
final HEX code will not grow even if you include source code from an archive
which contains unwanted functions. Rc66 produces HEX code from C source in one
step, thus eliminating the need for linking. This one-step compilation
approach allows reusable code to be stored in source form rather than in
object form in libraries, which simplifies library management. Rc66 has an
internal profiler which by default, will not produce machine code for
functions not called in the program. This way your final HEX code will not
grow even if you include source code from an archive which contains unwanted

Rc66 optionally embeds debug code to
support dynamic debugging when used with a target board. The debugger
allows you to step through your code with breakpoints and variable watches as
the compiled code runs on the board, similar to the operation of an in-circuit
emulator. The Rc66 compiler / debugger, along with an evaluation board and the
RIO-MP prototyping board constitute a very powerful and convenient hardware /
software development system. Rc66 optionally embeds debug code to support
dynamic debugging when used with a target board. The debugger allows
you to step through your code with breakpoints and variable watches as the
compiled code runs on the board, similar to the operation of an in-circuit
emulator. The Rc66 compiler / debugger, along with an evaluation board and the
RIO-MP prototyping board constitute a very powerful and convenient hardware /
software development system.
Rc66 supports specific registers.
The storage class specifier "predef" (short for
"predefined") is introduced to the C grammar to instruct the
compiler to refer to the variable by its name rather than to assign and keep
the variable in memory. This approach is similar to the use of the storage
class specifier "register" where the C variable is kept in a
register. With this approach, standard C variable type specifiers and type
qualifiers may be used, as in Rc66 supports specific registers. The storage
class specifier "predef" (short for "predefined") is
introduced to the C grammar to instruct the compiler to refer to the variable
by its name rather than to assign and keep the variable in memory. This
approach is similar to the use of the storage class specifier
"register" where the C variable is kept in a register. With this
approach, standard C variable type specifiers and type qualifiers may be used,
as in
predef unsigned int SYSCON;
predef bit IEN;
Rc66 fully supports interrupts.
Rc66 does not force binding the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
to the interrupt source in compile time. Rather, the ISR address is placed
into the interrupt vector of the microcontroller along with an absolute jump
instruction. This way, ISRs may be installed, removed, or switched in run
time. Rc66 fully supports interrupts. Rc66 does not force binding the
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to the interrupt source in compile time.
Rather, the ISR address is placed into the interrupt vector of the
microcontroller along with an absolute jump instruction. This way, ISRs may be
installed, removed, or switched in run time.
Reads166 Version 3.1x (64K code) sells for
Schools, Students (with valid school
ID), and US military personal receive a 10% discount on all products.
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Download a Free Demo Version of the software (the demo will compile 8K
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